Illuminati 2014: Predictions!! We must reach mass awareness! WATCH NOW!!! PLEASE ..SHARE
How to fix the problem: * shut down The Federal Reserve, and make all banks illegal. And pay our debts as we go. * Get rid of all laws that violate the constitution and any law that destroys freedom * Make "Donations" from companies to politicians and congress illegal. (Yes, paying politicians to do what you want is COMPLETELY legal right now..) * Bills should only be 10 pages long max (no more 2000 pages laws) * The title of the bill in congress must pertain to the contents of said bill. * GMO and potentially hazardous foods must be labeled. Share this on your facebook and with a loved one and favorite this video so you can reference it later. WE NEED TO REACH A POINT OF MASS AWARENESS… THE CONTENTS OF THIS VIDEO ARE JUST SCRATCHING THE SURFACE OF THE ISSUE. CONTINUE TO DO RESEARCH AND INFORM THE PUBLIC
أضيفت في:22-4-2014... الشاشة> فضائح خطيرة .... إذا وجدت أن الموضوع مفيد لك، أرجو منك دعم الموقع