آراء الزوار
-- there is no word to talk about the beauty of the truth just watch and pray
gress 21-2-2006
-- شكرا لإدارة الموقع على هذا الكم الجميل من المعلومات
أبقاكم الله بالصحة و الخير
نشوان 21-2-2006
-- Thank you all for your efforts . you are the candle in this big darkness ,we wish for more candles to appear and make a big difference . when i feel hopeless or weakness i go to your site .the music ,the books ,every thing is inspiring. keep it on .we need good hearts and souls these days more than anything . thanks alot . may God bless you all.
rola 21-2-2006
-- thank you for putting words to what i feel inside
maha we are one! lo

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